
How critical race theory slowly poisoned St Mary’s Waverley
Richard Wilkinson
Jan 08, 2024

In a sequel to The Woke Witch-Hunt at St Mary’s Waverley, Richard Wilkinson explains how, over a decade, St Mary’s Waverley succumbed to ideological capture by a self-referential mob of Woke activists, consultants and lawyers. Richard sets out proposals for how the school can rediscover its classical liberal foundations. It is a long read.

The woke witch-hunt at St Mary’s Waverley
Richard Wilkinson
Nov 26, 2023

St Mary’s Waverley was a target of the wave of “anti-racism” activism which erupted following the death of George Floyd in the United States in May 2020. A group of current and former students made a series of allegations giving rise to a firestorm of controversy. St Mary’s Waverley commissioned an external investigation into the allegations. Richard Wilkinson analyses the Report expressing serious concerns about its underlying ideology, its analytical framework, its methodology and its findings.

The normalisation of savagery
Brendan O'Neill
Nov 07, 2023

Societies that give up on freedom will soon find it replaced by violence, says Brendan O'Neill, chief political writer for Sp¡ked. O'Neil quotes Robert Pondiscio of the American Enterprise Institute when Jewish students at Cooper Union in New York City had to be locked in a library to save them from a mob of ‘pro-Palestine’ activists who said: ‘Not another word – ever – about safe spaces, microaggressions or “erasure” on a college campus. Not one more damn word.’

Ibram X. Kendi’s race hustle deserves to fail
Sep 26, 2023

Ralph Leonard's analysis on Unherd of Ibram X. Kendi's (born Henry Rogers) fall from grace is searing. Kendi is described as a race hustler for antiracism - one of the key figures. His problem was that he really had nothing to offer.

Heritage day and “cultural appropriation” at St John’s College
Richard Wilkinson
Sep 25, 2023

St John’s College marked Heritage Day with boys and staff being encouraged to celebrate the day by wearing clothing and accessories of cultural significance. However, in an email to parents the school said that cultural dress had to be worn with 'respect and sensitivity'. Gone are the days where the most one could be accused of was bad taste.

The trouble with Roedean’s woke “anti-discrimination” policy
Richard Wilkinson
Aug 28, 2023

Richard Wilkinson's foray into the private school world's absorption of principles of Critical Race Theory, expressed as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, by delving into Roedean’s new “anti-discrimination” policy and its unsuitability to anyone who supports a classically liberal approach to their children's education. This article first appeared in the Daily Friend.

The long, sinister shadow of Robin DiAngelo in South Africa's schools
Richard Wilkinson
Jul 24, 2023

In the second of a series of articles about the implementation of Diversity Equity & Inclusion in South African schools, Richard Wilkinson discusses the role of American Robin DiAngelo in the development of the shaming of all issues "white". DiAngelo earns tens of thousands of dollars in giving talks and lectures whose main aim is to generalise about whites in the most condemnatory terms. DiAngelo has refined the concept of "whiteness" in the most egregious and destructive way imaginable.

The dubious ethics of Lovelyn Nwadeyi and Eusebius McKaiser
Richard Wilkinson
May 17, 2023

Richard Wilkinson discusses the roles that well-known podcaster and Radio 702 host Eusebius McKaiser, and Lovelyn Nwadeyi, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion promoter have played in indoctrinating pupils and teachers into a racist and socialist ideology.

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